Sunday, July 26, 2009


SOP 001 Revised 06-19-2008

1.0 Purpose:

This procedure outlines the responsibilities of the Transit Change Review Committee (TCRC).

The TCRC is a cross-divisional committee. The TCRC is responsible for the development and review of changes to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), the configuration of in-service equipment and facilities affecting the safety and security of operations in the field and at TriMet’s operations facilities, and the review of all major accident/incidents to identify the presence of any “unacceptable hazardous conditions” or any other circumstance that may require revision to SOPs, equipment configurations, or training programs in order to reduce the potential for recurrence of similar accidents/incidents.

2.0 Procedures:

1. The Executive Director, Operations establishes the TCRC and assures that the TCRC fulfills its responsibilities. TCRC membership is established by the Executive Director, Operations. The current voting TCRC membership:

o Executive Director, Operations

o Senior Manager, Transportation Operations

o Assistant Manager, Rail Transportation

o Director, Bus Maintenance

o Director, Facilities Maintenance

o Director, Operations Support

o Director, Rail Maintenance

o Manager, Field Operations

o Manager, Maintenance Training and Procedures

o Manager, Rail Maintenance of Way

o Manager, Rail Operations

o Manager, System Safety Programs

o Manager, Transportation

o Manager, Transportation Operations Training

o Manager, Rail Equipment Maintenance (REM)

o Manager, REM Training and Engineering

o Manager, System Engineering

2. Non-voting participants are also invited to TCRC proceedings including a representative from the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT).

3. TCRC meetings are held once a month. TCRC may be convened more often as needed. TCRC urgent review meetings are convened as outlined in SOP 217 Urgent Review of Major Safety or Security Incidents.

4. The Executive Director, Operations or his/her designee selects the TCRC’s chairperson.

5. The TCRC’s chairperson sets meeting agendas and facilitates proceedings.

6. Written records of TCRC proceedings are maintained by Rail Transportation administrative staff.

7. TCRC reviews and approves changes and additions to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). TCRC initiates any needed training and re-training programs needed for implementation of SOPs.

8. TCRC reviews and approves proposed changes to fixed facilities, rolling stock (revenue and non-revenue), and equipment directly related to TriMet operations. TCRC initiates any needed changes in SOPs, training and re-training programs needed for implementation of system changes.

9. TCRC conducts formal reviews of operations accident/incidents that may require revision to SOPs, equipment configurations, or training programs. The review consists of the following steps:

o Incidents are formally reviewed as soon as possible following the incident. When necessary, this assessment will take the form of an urgent review. SEE: SOP 217 Urgent Review of Major Safety or Security Incidents.

o Each incident is investigated to determine its cause(s), whether an “unacceptable hazardous condition” exists, and any follow-up actions needed to reduce the potential for a similar incident.

o An up-to-date log of all incidents reviewed by TCRC is maintained. The log entries identify reviewed incidents, date(s) of the Committee's review, follow-up action(s) required and person(s) responsible, and the close date for each action item. The Operations Support Department also maintains documentation on “unacceptable hazardous conditions” and mitigating actions.

o TCRC members are responsible for leading the review of accidents/incidents that affect personnel or equipment under their supervision.

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